Business Pension Plans Webinar

Zoom IL, United States

We explain how to handle qualified domestic relations order distributions and identify the five rules for withdrawals from qualified plans,as well as the characteristics for Profit-Sharing Plans. You will receive an overview of various retirement plans and their top heavy rules, rollovers, vesting, and Safe Harbors. In addition, you shouldl be able to define Money Continue reading "Business Pension Plans Webinar"...

$165.00 – $185.00

Retirement Distributions, Penalties & Inheritances Webinar

Zoom IL, United States

Master a well-rounded understanding of retirement planning and distributions during TaxSpeaker’s Retirement Distributions, Penalties, and Inheritances course! This 2-credit-hour course equips tax professions with practical wisdom to navigate the world of retirement finances. This includes teaching on the identification of the five rules for withdrawal from qualified plans, the definition of a stretch IRA, and Continue reading "Retirement Distributions, Penalties & Inheritances Webinar"...

$135.00 – $155.00

Education Deductions & Credits Webinar

Zoom IL, United States

This course explains all education savings programs, tax deductions, compliance rules and reporting for 529 plans, Series EE Bonds, American Opportunity and Lifetime Credits, employer assistance programs and student loan interest deductions.

$135.00 – $155.00

S Corporations The Election/Late Elections

Zoom IL, United States

Lecture presentation plus accompany power point slides. This course when and how to make a timely or late S election and potential entity classification election

$90.00 – $105.00

Cancellation of Debt Webinar

Zoom IL, United States

All aspects of individual income tax returns for the taxability of debt cancellation, as well as the exclusions from taxation are presented, with multiple examples, completed forms and tax attribute calculations.

$135.00 – $155.00

Illinois Tax Webinar

Zoom IL, United States

Government speakers from Illinois Department of Revenue and Illinois Department of Employment Security

$110.00 – $135.00

Commercial Members