Executive Committee Meeting – Zoom

IL, United States

You will receive a link to join the meeting on Zoom, along with an agenda and minutes from the December meeting.

Board of Directors Meeting


In consideration of May tax day, the board meeting is changed to Zoom instead of a live meeting at Eastland Suites.

Annual Meeting


Annual Meeting of Independent Accountants Association of Illinois  - Election and installation of officers and directors

Cool Tax Conundrums & Hot Topics

i Hotel & Conference Center 1900 S First Street, Champaign, IL, United States

Interactive seminar with Chris Bird.  Chris will use a round table format to discuss your tax conundrums and other post-tax season aftermaths.  Includes a continental breakfast and awards luncheon.


Board of Directors Meeting with Awards Luncheon

i Hotel & Conference Center 1900 S First Street, Champaign, IL, United States

Board of Directors Meeting  - Awards Luncheon at noon followed by Board of Directors of meeting

Commercial Members