Intro to Social Security


Lecture presentation plus accompany power point slides. This course provides an overview of Social Security and Medicare benefits and taxability. Because Social Security benefits are such an important piece of a retiree’s income tax situation we make sure that the student has a rudimentary understanding of benefit types for workers, spouses, widows/widowers, ex-spouses and dependents Continue reading "Intro to Social Security"...

$120.00 – $140.00

Depreciation & Amortization


Lecture presentation plus accompany power point slides. The course reviews depreciation in general and then explains basis, lives and methods. It is followed by detailed discussions of Sec. 179, bonus and luxury property and the related qualification rules and limits. It concludes with similar examinations of amortization, depletion and fixing errors.

$120.00 – $140.00

Education Deductions & Credits


Lecture presentation plus accompany power point slides. This course explains all education savings programs, tax deductions, compliance rules and reporting for 529 plans, Series EE Bonds, American Opportunity and Lifetime Credits, employer assistance programs and student loan interest deductions.

Free – $120.00

IRAs, ROTHs, and Coversions


Become an expert in knowledge and practice of retirement investment taxes, including changes from Covid-19 legislation with the 3-credit-hour IRA’s, Roths, and Conversions TaxSpeaker course! During this 3-hour course, attendees will learn strategies and methods for investing in an IRA account, including the comparisons between different types of retirement accounts and how to withdraw funds Continue reading "IRAs, ROTHs, and Coversions"...

$150.00 – $175.00

Retirement Distributions, Penalties & Inheritances


Master a well-rounded understanding of retirement planning and distributions during TaxSpeaker’s Retirement Distributions, Penalties, and Inheritances course! This 2-credit-hour course equips tax professions with practical wisdom to navigate the world of retirement finances. This includes teaching on the identification of the five rules for withdrawal from qualified plans, the definition of a stretch IRA, and Continue reading "Retirement Distributions, Penalties & Inheritances"...

$120.00 – $140.00

Business Pension Plans


The course reviews the rules for pension plan credits, top-heavy and discrimination tests, defined contribution plans, SEP-IRAs and SIMPLE-IRAs as well as ROBS issues.

$150.00 – $175.00

Exit Strategies


Designed to provide guidance to buy, sell, merge, grow or add partners to an accounting firm.

$120.00 – $140.00



We discuss what the Medicare and Net Investment Income surtaxes are, what income is subject, what income is exempt, how to calculate the surtaxes and tax planning for reducing the surtaxes.

$80.00 – $95.00

Entity Conversions


This course explains the tax compliance and filing requirements of most types of conversions to and from sole proprietors, SMLLC, MMLLC, S Corporations and C Corporations

$120.00 – $140.00

Estate & Gift Tax Update


We review 2022 rules for estate and gift tax including exemptions, 709 & 706 filing requirements, gift splitting and the unused exemption deceased spouse election

$80.00 – $95.00

Social Security & Medicare


Upon completion of this course you will be able to explain the basic structure of the system to clients and provide them with additional resources they can use to find out more information. You will be able to guide clients through the process of applying for Social Security benefits and inform them about the various Continue reading "Social Security & Medicare"...

$275.00 – $310.00

Practice Management


This course is designed to guide the small firm of fewer than 50 employees through the myriad compliance rules of practice, to help the firm become more efficient, secure and yes, profitable. The course provides dozens of firm analyses points and guides and checklists, clear analyses tools, methods of improving operational efficiency and quality and Continue reading "Practice Management"...

$275.00 – $310.00

Commercial Members